Tuesday, January 31, 2012


John Agar stars in director Larry Buchanan's remake of It Conquered The World. Analien is helped to earth by a scientist and the alien soon begins taking over people's minds so he can conquer the world.
This is a very fun ultra low budget film shot in the great state of Texas. The monster if very cool looking and so are his flying beasties that attack people he wants to control.
It's always nice to see Agar in anything and I do recommend this for sci-fi fans. Still better than most movies made today.


I first saw this great Japanese monster movie on TV as Yog: Monster From Space and loved it. Now Tokyo Shock has remastered it and given us the best looking print of this fine little monster romp.
An alien takes a space satallite and hijacks it back to earth. It crashes into the sea just off the coast of a small island and soon huge monsters are seen. Giant squid, giant turtle and giant crab are seen on the island. The alien takes over their bodies and causes regular creatures to mutate to huge size. Finally the alien takes over a human and it's plans are foiled by a most peculiar means, which I won't reveal here.
The monsters are cool, the action never stops and I recommend this for all Japanese monster movie fans.


Daniela Bianchi is 70, and Harry Wayne Casey is 61.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Just talked to an actress friend of mine about some of the movies we worked on and we shared some good memories and good times. We talked about movies such as Tales Of The Damned, which I am totally surprised still gets attention today.

I have to admit I am very lucky to have made  3 movies and acted in many more. Good times indeed!!


Easily my favorite musical, this 1980 film stars gorgeous Olivia Newton John as an Greek Muse who comes to earth to help a young man find his dreams and make them come true. Michela Beck is the young man whom she helps and Gene Kelly is a former musician who again finds his love for music.
For some reason this movie failed at the box office, and yet the soundtrack is one of the highest selling ever with music from Olivia, ELO and Cliff Richards.
If you happen to like musicals with a twist of fantasy thrown in check this one out, you might like it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Tom Selleck is 67, Katherine Ross is 72, Marc Singer is 64, and Richard Bakalyan is 81.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Dean Fredricks stars as an astronaut stranded on a small meteor-like planet. When he lands on the planet he immediately shrinks to 6 inches high and is captured by the race of small people.
He is condemned to live the rest of his life on this planet and he slowly begins to accept that fate, especially when lovely women such as Colleen Gray around.
Francis X. Bushman makes his last screen appearance as the leader of the planet known as Rheton. This is a unique little film that has a low budget, but never fails to entertain.
Also the debut of one of the most underrated actresses ever...Dolores Faith.


Barbi Benton is 62, Jack Hill is 79,and  Miki Sugimoto is 59.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Bryant Halliday stars in this thriller about a hunter who kills a lion and then finds himself the victim of a voodoo curse vis a lion worshipping tribe in Africa.
This is a slow moving, but not uninteresting film about the effects of the curse on the man's mind and family. The film was produced by Richard Gordon with whom Halliday had worked with on The Projected Man.
Shot in Black and White, this is an entertaining film for those so inclined.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


The actor who played Epstein on Welcome Back Kotter has died of a heart attack at his home. He was 60 years old.
I grew up watching him and always loved the character. He was a true acting talent that will be missed.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The very prolific actor James Farantino passed away at the age of 73 after a long illness. He had literally hundreds of rols on TV and in movies. Genre fans will remember him from such fare as Dead And Buried, Final Countdown, The Possessed and many more.
His TV show appearences ranged from The Bold Ones to Melrose Place.


One of my favorite films from the 50's because it is so damn strange! Several explorers go to a small jungle in South America in hopes of finding a lost explorer still alive. The caves they enter are full of mysterious mold monsters that were once natives, but now monsters thanks to an evil doctor who is experimenting with molds and such.
John Howard and Paul Richards are the two male members of the expidition and the always sexy Mala Powers is Howard's wife, and it is her brother that they are searching for. Gerald Milton is the evil doctor and lovely May Wynn is his native wife.
The monsters are interesting looking and the slime and mold looks like soap suds, which they probably are. This is what movies should be, no heavy message, no CGI, no cross marketing...just plain fun, which this is from beginning to end.


Two mercenaries are hired to assassinate two political leaders on the island of Guam. John Russell and Mark leonard plays the parts very well.
Lots of beautiful scenery and shoot em up action ensue. This film does have some very dark moments with children being killed in explosions and a very downbeat ending.
It is a rare film and one that I am glad Mill Creek put on DVD. A good action thriller that you might enjoy. Trivia: This was the first feature film to be shot on the island of Guam.


Tobe Hooper is 69, Gregg Palmer is 85, and Michelle McCool is 32.


This is a bizarre film starring W.G. MacMillan who also starred in George Romero's The Crazies back in 1973, and John Savage.
It's about two estranged brothers who come together and find themselves in a world of trouble. Robert (Savage) is talked into delivering a package to Canada by hie brother Edward (MacMillan) and as soon as Ed sees what's in the package he wishes he had never said yes.
The ending is both brutal and sad, but it does help this little piece of weird 70's drama. I think you should try this film and see if it's your cup of tea.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Horst Janson stars as a vampre hunter named Kronos as he and his faithful servant hunt vampires and evil across the land. The ALWAYS gorgeous Caroline Munro is his lady love.
The vampire are unique in that they suck out the youth of young women, not just the blood. Shane Briant is on hand as the young son of a woman who is bedridden, or is she?
This is by far one of my favorite Hammer horror films and it does travel down a different path and makes the entire film very enjoyable. Ian Hendry has a small role as a hired assassin who fails to get rid of Kronos. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this film for any horror fan.


I am anxiously waiting for my copy of Two Headed Shark Attack to come in so I can watch and review it. I haven't had a lot of time for reviews lately but am going to try and post a few over the next few days.
Please keep the comments and questions coming.


Of all the films Bill Rebane has made, this is the one people will remember him for. A meteor crashes in rural Wisconsin and a giant spider begins running loose eating people and cattle. Alan Hale is the sheriff and Barbara Hale and Steve Brodie are the two scientists who try to destroy the monster. Leslie Parrish and Robert Easton are the owners of the farm the meteor falls on.
I have always been given the creeps by spiders, but I simply love this film. There are a few very inspired moments, and despite all the bad reviews, this has some very effective moments.
If you get a chance look it up and see what you think.


The man who voiced the Robot on Lost In Space as well as narration on Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, Time Tunnel and so many other programs has passed away ay the age of 85.
I grew up with this man;s voice all over my TV. He was also the voice of Mr. Bubble.
As was said on another Blog...Danger......Danger Will Robinson will never be the same again.


Ernest Borgnine is 95, Natassja Kinski is 51, Neil Diamond is 71, and Haji is 66.

Monday, January 23, 2012


This movie has received a lot of flack over the last few years and I actually don't think it's a bad as it's made out to be. Arnold Schwarzenegger is Mr. Freeze, who is plotting to destroy all of Gotham City. Uma Thurman is the very sexy Poison Ivy, who seduces Batman and Robin while trying to help Freeze take over the city.
Chris O' Donnell is back as Robin, George Clooney is Batman, Michael Gough is Alfred and the very sexy Alicia Silverstone is Barbara aka Batgirl.
I like this movie because it is an over the top Batman opus that is sometimes too far over the top, but always fun. Uma is very hot as Poison Ivy and I can see why any man would fall for her. \The main point of contention about this film seems to be Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl.
I saw nothing wrong except that she wasn't given a lot to do in this film, and that is a shame. I always have liked her in anything.
If you haven't seen this  movie yet, check it out and decide for yourself.


Mariska Hargitay is 48, Tiffani Thiessen is 38, Rutger Hauer is 68, Gil Gerard is 69, Arlene Golonka is 76, and Sonny Chiba is 73.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Very odd siuth of the border film abut two astromauts who crash land on the moon and find a race of beautiful Amazons living there.
The plot is very similar to Nude On The Moon except there isn't much nudity. One of the rarest Mexican films I have ever stumbled across. The language is Spanish with no subs, but you really don't need them. If you can find this little gem, then I suggest you give it a watch.


John Hurt is 72, Linda Blair is 53, and Tully Blanchard is 57.