The story revolves around a cloaked killer named Ormand Murks (Ian Keith). It seems he was sent to an asylum by Dr. Rufus Maynard (Charles Trowbridge) and died there.
He has come back to life and needs a lot of blood to survive. He claims he learned this in the "Valley Of The Zombies" where voodoo rites are practiced.
Keith chews up every scene he is in. This is probably the most interesting villian ever to appear n a Republic production. Murks kills Maynard and frames Maynards assistant, Dr. Terry Evans (Robert Livingston) and his girlfriend Susan Drake (Lorna Gray) for the crime.
Terry and Susan must try to prove their innocence. This is a very short film running only 56 minutes, and once it starts it never has time to slow down and neither does the viewer.
The presentation from Kino is simply beautiful for a movie this age and I hope there are more of these low budget horrors coming to Blu-ray.
The rest of the cast for this highly recommended movie includes Thomas Jackson, LeRoy Mason, Wilton Graff and Charles Kane. See this movie!! After all you have sexy Lorna Gray and a villian named Ormand Murks...what's not to like?