Saturday, September 18, 2010


Another tip of the hat to Shout Factory for bringing this classic back to DVD in a new widescreen format and in it's UNCUT international version which contains things not seen in the previous DVD release or anywhere for that matter.
Doug McClure stars a s a fisherman who is living in a small town that is suddenly under attack from mutant salmon monsters that are determined to breed with the women on a small fishing village. Vic Morrow is the town bigot who blames the local Indian population for all the trouble and lovely Ann Turkel is a female scientist who actually created these monsters in the first place.
Barbara peeters directed the film but didn't put in any of the boobs and blood that showed up later after Roger Corman said it would improve the film, and it does even if you don't want to admit it.
The extras include interviews with Corman, actress Cyndi Weintraub and many behind the scenes people. The extras also include long missing footage found in the MGM vaults of many more women being attacked by these monsters.
The most bizarre scene in the film as far as I am concerned is one where a young man and his wooden dummy are in a tent on the beach with a very lovely young woman whom he is trying to get her to take her clothes off. The dummy seems to have a life of his own!!
Highly recommended film!!

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