Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well I don't like to get too political on here, but it seems the Dumbocrats led by Barak Osama, oops I meant Obama, and the FCC have approved new rules on 12-21-2010 that, for the first time would give the federal government authority to regulate internet traffic.
This is a move spearheaded by Al Sharpton, and this is why I detest liberals and liberalism, or as it is called today "progressive". We all know that our Dictator, oops I mean President hasn't made one good decision since he came into office and I know this isn't a good one either. The Dumbocrats will back this until they have to start censoring the material they like, then they will again sing a different tune.
I do not allow my friends to be liberal. I will be keeping my eyes on this, and you should to.


  1. Let's tell a story. Once upon a time, there was a country that became a socialist society. The country came to be under the rule of the NSDAP political party -- also known as the Nazi party or "National Socialist German Workers' Party". The party had no governing body or formal decision-making process. The country also had a homeland security branch known as the Gestapo or Geheime Statz Politzei (Homeland Police). The homeland police of this country became famous for their tactics in keeping "an eye" on citizens and their daily activities. The country was loathed by the free world and untimately destroyed for their totalitarian ideology which stressed the failures of laissez-faire capitalism, communism, economic liberalism, and democracy.
