Thursday, October 27, 2011


This has always been my favorite film from Al Adamson, and it probably comes from many, many viewings on Nightmare Theater on KCPX tv in Salt Lake City during the 70's.
It seems Count Townsend (Dracula) and his wife live in a castle and are soon to be evicted by the new owners. That proves to be a problem as they have a few young women chained in the dungeon for blood drinking and a man named Johnny lives there too and her is a werewolf.
Gene O'Shay and the sexy Barbara Bishop are the young couple who inherit the castle and Alex D'Arcy is Count Townsend and Paula Raymond is his wife. John Carradine is the Butler and Robert Dix is Johnny.
This print is the one that includes several inserted shots of a werewolf stalking and killing women. This is an untra rare print, and this is one I recall seeing many years ago.
Vicki Volante is Ann, the victim taken to the castle after her car breaks down. I always liked Vicki and thought she was so damn hot. This is a fun film, not to be taken seriously but just to be enjoyed.

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