Saturday, October 1, 2011


Extremely enjoyable film about a young couple played by Michael Blogett and Sherry Miles accpet an invitation from a seductive young woman to spend a few days at her desert home.
The couple accepts and soon find themselves in a web of bizarre dreams and happenings. Celeste Yarnall is Diane LaFanu, who is actually a vampire that wants Miles for her own. The bizarre things keep happening and soon they culminate is a truely weird ending.
This is a wonderful film that is never boring and Yarnall makes it all worthwhile as she is beautiful in every single frame of film. Roger Corman's New World Pictures released this in 1972 and Stephanie Rothman directed. Highly recommended and part of the Roger Corman Cult Classics Vampires, Mummies and Monsters 2 disc set.


  1. I watched this last Saturday and found it thoroughly enjoyable, although the terror in the mine/ghost town to scenes slowed down what was a pretty fast-paced and very watchable movie.

    Plus, Michael Blodgett's hair was fascinating.

  2. Hey, glad you liked the film. It's always been one of my faves.
