Thursday, January 12, 2012


This follow up to Batman is again directed by Tim Burton, and is easily the most Burtonesque of the two. A corrupt businessman named Max Shreck, played by Christopher Walkin befriends a hidieous criminal known as Penquin (Danny DeVito) who is attempting to take over Gotham City. Sexy as hell Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle who is changed into the Catwoman due to an attempted murder of her by Shreck.
Her peformance is perfect and very sexy. She and Batman have a relationship, much like in the original series of the 60's.
The Penquin is somewhat gross and disgusting and lives in a sewer and has a giant rubber duck he travels in, which is why I consider this very Burtonesque. This was about as big a hit as the first one and even more controversial due to the nature of Catwoman. Michael Keaton appears at Batman for the final time and Michael Gough is back as his butler Alfred.

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