Thursday, January 5, 2012


AIP horror film is a sequel to Amazing Colossal Man, and it finds the giant still alive in Mexico feeding off of food trucks that pass along a lonely stretch of road. His face is very messed up since the last film he fell off of Hoover dam after being shot with a bazooka.
He is eventually captured and brought back to LA until it is decided on what to do with him. He escapes and goes on a small destruction spree up to Griffith park where he finally does himself in by grabbing high tension power lines. The ending to this film is also in color.
Dean parkin takes over the role of Colonel Glenn Manning the giant, lovely Sally Fraser is his sister, and Roger Pace is the Major trying to figure out what to do with a sixty foot giant in LA. The rest of the cast is headed by Russ Bender, Hal Torey and George Becwar.
I love 50's horror and sci-fi and have never lost the childhood fascination for these movies. Highly Recommended.

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