Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I had never seen a "Coffin Joe" film until Embodiment Of Evil from 2008. This is the first time director and star Jose Marins appeared as Joe and the film is a knockout. I loved this! Made with very little money but a lot of ambition, this film succeeds on all levels.
Marins character of "Coffin Joe" is seeking a woman to bear his child and keep his bloodline going. He kills many people including his live in girl friend, and her death is caused by a huge spider Joe puts on her to bite her. That scene really creeped me out and that spider isn't a fake Hollywood one, it is damn real. The actress should be commended!!
The scene disolves are done by cracking glass, page turns and many other things not seen in USA movies for years to come.
This is an excellent place to get aquanted with Marins films. Highly Recommended for all horror fans.

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