Saturday, April 14, 2012


Larry Buchanan directed this gem as one of several films he did for AIP TV that were remakes of AIP classics from the 1950's. This is a remake of She Creature.
A friend and I were just talking about this last week and I am sure Alan will enjoy seeing this.
Les Tremayne stars as Dr. Basso, a man who keeps his assistant played by the beautiful Pat Delaney in a constant trance as he brings out her past life in the form of a sea monster.
Aron Kincade is the Air Force psychologist who attempts to prove Basso is a freud. The monster is something to behold as it is just a rubber suit with silly looking teeth and rubber ping pong ball eyes.
Scotty McKay shows up long enough to sing two songs including one called "Batman"!!
The acting isn't very good and the monster is awful and there is one scene between Kincade and actress Suzanne Roy where the actors actually forget their dialogue and just stand there looking at each other for a few moments until the awkward silence is broken!!
However, don't get me wrong, this is a highly enjoyable film for lovers of grade z schlock, and the print Sinister had is one of the better ones I have seen. Recommended!!


  1. And the same monster suit is in Buchanan's It's Alive! (note the exclamation point, differing it from Cohen's).

    1. Ahhhh yes I remeber It's Alive! so well. Another winner from Buchanan!!
