Sunday, April 1, 2012


Modern day filmmakers spend way too much money and make crap that isn't even the least bit entertaining, and yet here is a film made for around $27,000 that manages to be both scary and fun at the same time with some excellent gore effects.
The story starts with a meteor hitting earth and suddenly two men camping in the woods are attacked and devoured by a hideous monster we only see in the shadows of the tent.
The next morning the action switches to an old but wonderful looking house where a family is just getting up to begin a Saturday. The montster has crept into the basement as a result of the window being left open,and soon all hell breaks loose in the house with many flesh eating monsters running around.
The actors all play their roles very well and director Doug McKeown has never made another film from what I can find out about him and that is a shame. He proves he is very talented and knows how to build shock and suspense and to use a camera wisely.
The monster is one of the scariest things I have seen in a movie with three heads and a billion teeth!! It is one hell of an eating machine and several cast members whom we grow to like very well are killed.
If you haven't seen this film, by all means do. You won't regret it. And wait until you see the a kicker.

1 comment:

  1. GET OUT OF MY MIND!!!!! I just watched this on Thursday.

    And if you want more info on Mr. McKeown, there was a great interview with him in a recent Fangoria. Last month's maybe?
