Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Peter Fonda directed this very well made and somewhat obscure film about time travel.
A crew of young researchers travel into the furture and find the area around their has been hit with some kind of eco-disaster. It could be a world wide plague, but that isn't touched upon.
Time travel does have it's side effects however, it makes all of these young people sterile and if you are over 20 to 22 years of age your kidneys are likely to hemmorrage and then you die anyway.
What they do find is a hundred railroad cars with bodies in them, that is only mentioned, never shown and a race of very simple people.
One of the young women gets tired of this and travels even further in time, and that is where the very interesting ending happens, which I won't spoil here.
I decided to watch this film because I am soon moving back to Idaho in about 7 days and I think this film deserves more attention that it gets. This was filmed at the Craters of the Moon lava beds in Idaho as well as in the small town of Arco. Most of the cast in unknowns except for Keith Carradine, and I think they all do admireable jobs, especially Kelly Bohanan as Karen Braden, the young woman who travels further in time.
The scenery if gorgeous and the film is very, very bleak.
If you get a chance, see it. Recommended!!

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