Friday, May 18, 2012


One of the best car chase movies ever made and done with real stunts not fake looking CGI crap.
Peter Fonda is Larry, a man who along with a friend rob a grocery store and plan to use the proceeds to get back into racing. Before they know it a beautiful woman with whom Fonda spent the night is also in on the caper and away we go!!
Adam Roarke is Fonda's buddy in crime and lovely Susan George is Mary, a young and loose woman who makes herself a part of their lives. The movie is a long cross country chase against the police led by Vic Morrow as a beligerant sheriff and his superior is played by Ken Tobey.
Susan George tells in the documentary of the film about how scary it was travelling in a car with Fonda driving over 100 mph for almost the entire film.
The stunts are real, the action is nonstop and the movie is 100% entertaining and funny. The surprise ending workes very well as it will jolt you out of your seat. I won't give it away, but I do highly recommend this piece of drive-in americana.
Roddy McDowell has an unbilled role as the grocery store manager.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the comments on this movie. You may think this stupid, but as I read your comments I was surprised to see the word LOOSE spelled correctly in the context you have written it. So many people these days spell the word LOOSE as LOSE. Drives Me Crazy!!! Thank God someone can still spell. As you know, the USA is now moving in the right direction according to our dubious leaders--which is straight down the toilet in my opinion--I would venture to say that not 1 in 1,000 people in the US today can spell more than 50 words correctly. Thanks again ~ Infidel
