Tuesday, July 10, 2012


When I first saw this film back in 1986 I was disappointed in it for not being able to see the monster much. I saw it on HBO when that station was just starting out and would broadcast only 8 or ten hours a day. It disappeared from my mind.
Flash ahead to 2012 and it is released on DVD as part of the Katarina's Nightmare Theater line and so I figured I'd give it another try since I do like Katarina a hell of a lot.
A woman is raped at a party in 1946 and gives birth to a son that is a mutated freak that now lives alone on a small island and is getting very hungry. A boatload of teens wreck on the island as well as a man they picked up who was stranded and they become prey for the ungodly beast.
The monster is better seen in this restored version and I actually liked the movie much better after all these years.
The beast looks like a refugee from Wrong Turn, but is still cool. Janet Julian is the only name besides Janit Baldwin most genre fans will recognise.
For some reason Scorpion releases this is a version that gives you the option of watching the film with or without Katarina introducing the film, and reverse cover art as well.
I don't understand this at all, but then I understand very little in this bizarre world we live in anymore. Why anyone would object to Katarina hosting the movie is beyond me.
Anyway, I recommend this for horror fans as something that will keep your interest.

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