Thursday, July 5, 2012


Ok, first up let me tell you this is available on an MGM disc along with Invasion of The Bee Girls. The print that was used is the original theatrical print, but I watched a DVD-R I made from a print run off of KTTV in Los Angeles many years ago and it is about 7 minutes longer because scenes were shot to make this longer for TV runs I guess.
I have read many. many totally hateful and negative reviews of this film and I cannot see why. Sure the humor is staggeringly bad but I always find myself laughing out loud anyway.
Two inept soldiers played by Bob Ball and Frankie Ray are sent to investigate a huge crater and find vegetable men who are slaves to two very sexy alien women played by Gloria Victor and and Dolores Reed. The two soldiers finally win and take the invaders as wives, but not before a lot of comedic events.
The movie was written by actor Jonathan Haze and directed by Bruno VeSota,
two men who worked with Roger Corman frequently. I highly recommend this movie as it is mindless fun, and that is all it is supposed to be.
I have even read a few reviews that state the alien women are overweight!! Wow this generation doesn't even know what a real woman looks like anymore!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on this. I like this movie, and the women aliens are gorgeous.
