Friday, July 27, 2012


I cannot understand why this hasn't yet received a DVD release here in the states, but I do have it from a source and the print is very good and in wide screen.
A doctor investigates several lakeside murders and finds a vampire is behind the killings. It is always interesting to see the vampire lore in other countries, and since I love all things Japanese, this was a real treat for me.
The vampires are white as sheets and do look haunting. The leading lady is beautiful as always and the vampire, played by Shin Kashida, is menacing and yet I don't think they really fleshed out the character enough. This movie is actually part of a trilogy of vampire films from Japan and I would like the chance to see them all someday.
If you like vampire movies at all, you should really give this a is odd and yet entrancing at the same time.

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