Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Unique and very well made horror film containing four stories told from a futuristic asylum run by Donald Pleasence. Jack Hawkins stars as the doctor visiting the asylum and finding out the background behind each patient.
The stories consist of a small boy with a very real people eating tiger in his room, An old time bicycle that takes it's owner back into time, a living tree and cannibals.
The most unusual story is entitled "Mel" which stars a very sexy Joan Collins as a young woman who is slowly shut out by her husband as he has taken to loving a tree!!
Written by actress Jennifer Jayne these stories are all entertaining and very bizarre. The rest of the cast includes Kim Novak, Suzy Kendall, Georgia Brown and Mary Tamm.
Jack Hawkins had throat cancer at the time and his voice was dubbed over by actor Charles Gray. Thanks to Olive for finally putting this out in widescreen.
It was actually released on Halloween night in 1973, and I remember seeing it for the very first time, and it blew me away. Highly Recommended!!

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