Saturday, October 6, 2012


I have reviewed this movie before on this sight, but I figured this new and beautiful looking release from Scorpion garnered another look.

This is my favorite film directed by Al Adamson. Alex D'Arcy and Paula Raymond stars as Count and Countess Townsend aka Mr. and Mrs. Dracula who live in a castle where they keep young women chained in the dungeon for a constant blood supply. They have a butler named George played bu John Carradine and a deformed henchman named Mango, who brings them young women when he finds them.

Suddenly they find themselves going to be evicted as the new owners of the castle come forth. The the fun really begins. This is a great looking widescreen print that does include the elusive werewolf footage that was only seen in the Sinister Cinema version for the last few years.

Katarina Lee Waters looks gorgeous as always when she conducts an on screen interview with John Cardos who worked on this film and many, many others. he discusses his long career with her and it is very in depth. This is a very good movie for this time of year, and don't believe all the bad reviews of this film, it's pretty good for what it is and I like it a hell of a lot.

The rest of the cast includes Vicki Volante, Robert Dix, Gene O' Shane and the gorgeous Jennifer Bishop. Recommended!!

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