Tuesday, February 5, 2013


More classic wrestling.

This 2 disc presentation focuses on one of the most memorable "heel" groups in pro wrestling "The Four Horsemen" which ran thru most of the mid to late 80's in the NWA.

The group consisted of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard and Ole Anderson and they RULED wrestling as the Four Horsemen. The long running feud with Dusty Rhodes is legendary and will always be remembered by fans.

The group was managed by James J. Dillon and they all worked very well as a unit and actually lived the life they talked about when doing interviews. Hard partying, lots of women and mucho dollars. Ole left the group and there were various changes made and new members including Lex Lugar and Barry Windam.

If you like pro wrestling you'll enjoy this documentary and the many matches they have included in this set. Recommended!!

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