Friday, March 8, 2013


Excellent documentary!!

This documentary takes a look at the film Twins Of Evil from Hammer films in 1972 and the entire Karnstein trilogy with interviews with Joe Dante, Tim Lucas and others plus loads of clips from other vampire films such as Lust For A Vampire, Vampire Lovers and more.

Synapse does an all round excellent job of getting behind the scenes of this classic horror film that is one of my favorites. The movie from Synapse will be reviewed here shortly, but I would recommend this Documentary to everyone with an interest in Hammer.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful comments concerning the TWINS OF EVIL documentary! I produced and directed the documentary through my own company, Ballyhoo Motion Pictures. Synapse only distributed it. No big deal or anything, just wanted to make that clear. But I am very happy that you enjoyed it! It was a labor of love... even with the exceptional low budget I had to work with. Synapse did a great job with the release! I am honored to be producing all the bonus materials for their Hammer titles.

    1. You are very welcome!! Keep up the excellent work!!
