Wednesday, April 17, 2013


One of my favorites.

Director Edgar Ulmer shot this movie along with "Amazing Transparent Man" in a two week period in Texas at the 1960 World's Fair. Too bad todays filmmakers can't do that.

Robert Clarke stars as a test pilot hurled 64 years into the future to the year 2024 and he finds a race of people living underground that are sterile and dying. He is held so that he may mate with the leaders lovely daughter, played by Darlene Tompkins who was 18 at the time. Vladimir Sokoloff plays her father.

Clarke decides not to stay and he manages to get himself back to his own time, but there is a twist of fate for what he has done, and I will not spoil it here. If you haven't seen this, I recommend it. A good, fun sci-fi film.

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