Tuesday, April 9, 2013


What a strange week it has been for film fans.

Over the last two days we have lost two exact opposites in the film world. On April 2nd we lost Jess Franco who made some of the most bizarre and explicit horror and exploitation films ever and he represented and change in the era of films with his bloody and nudity filled movies. I have seen many of them and liked a few, loved a few, and hated a few.

Jess was a filmmaker that made hundreds of many different films from the 60's to present day. His talent cannot go unquestioned.

On April 8th we lost the opposite end of the spectrum when the lovely Annette Funicello passed away. She represented the innocents of her time and my time as well. I watched her as a Mouseketeer and every single Beach party movie she made. Her death is one I can describe as an "end of the innocence" of my childhood.

Annette was a beautiful woman and didn't see the need to totally disrobe and curse. She was, as were many of the actresses of my day, classy and all woman. No tats, no raunchy garbage and no adverse publicity just for the sake of being in the headlines. There is something wrong in the cosmic universe when someone like Annette is no longer with us, but we have Kayne west and Kim Kardashian as well as a slew of other human trash walking around.

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