Thursday, April 18, 2013


Interestingly mind boggling concept.

An ancient Snow Shark, which actually swims thru the snow, even in less than 3 inches makes snacks out of the locals in a small town until a scientist and others get involved in finding it and stopping it at all costs.

That is the simple concept of this bizarre independent film which has it's moments and several scenes you will not soon forget. The over use of CGI effects for the blood and the gunfire gets on my nerves, but that is a small point and didn't really interfere with my enjoyment of this oddity.

The cast plays it all very straight and thankfully doesn't get into that ridiculous "hey look at me, I'm in a low budget horror film" mentality. Lots of cool extras including the original short film on which this movie is based!! Fun stuff for low budget movie lovers.

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