Monday, April 29, 2013


Vincent Price's most gruesome film.

Price plays Matthew Hopkins, a man who goes around certain parts of England torturing people into confessing they are witches an then killing them.

Of all the movies Price made this is his most serious and grim. Directed by Michael Reeves, this film is relentless in it's depicting man's inhumanity to man and sadistic torture. Ian Ogilvy is a young soldier who seeks to kill Hopkins after he learns that his fiancee's father has been condemned to die as a witch and she has been blackmailed into sex with Hopkins.

Hillary Dwyer is the young woman whom Price blackmails. The ending of this film is extremely disturbing as Ogilvy finally extracts sweet revenge by hacking Price's character up with an ax in what has to be one of the most nightmare inducing scenes I have ever seen in a film. A very bleak and dark film that has a very depressing ending.

Still, this is one hell of an experience and I recommend it to all horror fans, and especially fans of Price, who have never seen him in this kind of movie before. The Sinister Cinema print is totally uncut but cull several different print sources for it's material.

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