Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Good God, the worst team in movie history Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are planning on destroying another timeless classic.

These two talentless hacks are planning on remaking Abominable Dr. Phibes. This is the Vincent Price classic about Dr. Anton Phibes who kills the doctors he believes are responsible for the death of his wife. Burton claims to be a huge Vincent Price fan, but that simply is a lie. How can he be a fan and want to remake a Price film? Remaking suggests that there is something wrong with the original.

Hollywood is the land of fruits and nuts and not a single good idea for a film comes out of that cesspool. I wish just once these two second rate hacks would make something original. Coming up with something original, good or bad, requires brain power and that is something nobody in Hollyweird has anymore.

Johnny Depp should just stick to defending rapists and murderers since he is a left wing wackjob who thinks he can act. I am still waiting for the news that some cocaine using left wing freak is going to remake Citizen Cane.

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