Sunday, May 19, 2013


Wow, what a movie!!

Peter Dyneley is a reporter in Japan who is unknowingly given a serum by a mad doctor. This serum changes the man into a very violent killer with a heavy sexual appetite. He soon grows another head on his shoulder and finally the evil breaks out as he splits into two separate beings.

This is a much darker film than most people know as you have a very mad doctor who seems perfectly normal to everyone, his ultra sexy assistant played by gorgeous Terri Zimmern who apparently used to be a prostitute, the brutal murder of several people including a Monk and a sexual monster plus a basement lab where the doctor keeps all of his failed human experiments.

Made in 1959 and released here in 1962, this is a can't miss horror film that really delivers the goods. Don't listen to all the trash talk about this film, it's far better than any production made today.

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