Thursday, May 2, 2013


Ignore the critics...this is a fun film.

Robert Hutton stars in this film about scaly subterranean monsters coming up from the bowels of the earth to take over Southern California.

The monsters are pretty cool looking and they are trying to bring down the earth's temperature so they can forever live on the surface. They use a machine that turns fog into a solid wall!! In some scenes there is really too much fog, but what the hell.

Norman Burton is a scientist and Susan Hart and Judee Morton are his lovely daughters. In looking for safety they stumble upon a Marine played by William Boyce who has one of the most priceless lines of dialogue ever uttered in a film. Standing guard one night Judee Morton's character tries to flirt with him and he says "Gosh, when you're around I don't even want to think about Slime People." VCI has turned out a very good quality print of this bizarre film. Recommended camp classic.

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