Friday, May 3, 2013


The "Lost" George Romero film.

Romero himself states that he dislikes this film, but I don't. I find it very well made and well acted.

Ray laine is a young man who meets a beautiful woman, played by Judith Ridley and soon they move in together. He is not employed and doesn't really know what he wants out of life and she grows very concerned as she is pregnant and feels he will not make a good father or husband.

Romero holds everything together very well and the cast is made up of people who acted in and around the Pittsburgh area. I liked the interplay between Ridley and Laine and seeing such actors as Russell Streiner, Vince Survinski and others from Night Of the Living Dead in different roles. Don't be misled, this is a good drama and really deserves to be seen much more than it is.

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