Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Recently I reviewed the version from Sinister Cinema, now I am updating to include the release from Olive.

A group of astronauts encounter a race of women from Atlantis on the 13th moon of Jupiter. These women are scantily clad and do dance to the music of Alexander Borodin.

There is one man living with them, an elderly man who claims to be the father of them all. Also on hand is a bizarre looking monster that growls a lot and wears a dark bodysuit.

Anthony Dexter is Luther Blair, the head of the expedition from Earth. Paul Carpenter and Henry Fowler are two other astronauts who like what they see. Susan Shaw is Hestia, the young woman whom Luther saves from the monster and therefore she becomes his..a rule of Atlantis.

This is a truly bizarre film that for some reason I am a huge fan of. I saw this at just the right time in my life, and it left an impression. The print from Olive is excellent and I have never seen the movie look better. It is in a 1.66:1 aspect ratio which is perfect. The box says color, but thank god it's black and white. Good stuff for bad movie lovers.

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