Tuesday, August 27, 2013


One of my faves from the mid 70's.

John Ireland stars as a movie director who is making a movie at an old mansion where seven people were murdered. The caretaker, played by John Carradine warns them of the evil around the house but they do not listen.

Faith Domergue is the actress who is always belittled by Ireland an who hates working in the old house. There are a couple of slow spots in this film, but it gets really cool when the film crew starts dying at the hands of a revived corpse that has come to life after one of the actors read from the Book Of The Dead.

Carole Wells is Anne, a beautiful actress who is actually taken to the grave at the end of the film!! It is bizarre. It is weird, but it's pretty good, and you can actually see the night scenes now that is has been remastered onto blu-ray. Charles Macauley is also on hand as an alcoholic actor..

I recommend this shot in Salt Lake City horror film and hope Severin continues to release such lost little gems.

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