Sunday, August 11, 2013


A great, unsung Hammer film.

A young couple are stranded in a remote European Village and a mysterious man and his family help them out, and that is where the trouble begins.

Soon the young man's wife disappears and he is told she never arrived at the castle with him. It turns out that the family who helped them is also a bunch of vampires who head a local cult,and he wants the young woman for his own.

Edward de Souza and Jennifer Daniel are the young couple. Noel Willman is the leader of the vampire cult and Clifford Evans is Prof. Zimmer, the man who is out to stop the cult and whom de Souza enlists for aid.

This film has a great and very tight plot, good pacing and excellent directing from Don Sharp. The ending is pretty cool and it is something you wont forget. Recommended!

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