Saturday, September 14, 2013


One of the best from David Cronenberg.

Starliner Towers is an apartment complex near Montreal and it is soon infected with a sexual parasite that causes people to become sex crazed fiends who want to spread the parasite to everyone else.

Cronenberg handles the material very well and the story slowly builds to a crescendo of violence and hopelessness. There are some pretty revolting scenes in this film such as people throwing up the parasites and the unforgettable scene of the damn little critters attaching themselves to the face of actor Joe Silver and when they start to burn him he tries to tear them off with pliers!! It gets worse, but I won't reveal it here.

Lynn Lowery is a nurse at the complex whose boyfriend is the doctor played by Paul Hampton. Barbara Steele also stars and her role is very good and plays a part in the final denouement of the film. Again, I will say this film has some very shocking scenes in it as well as some very sexually perverted ones and is not for everyone.

Filmed in Montreal, this shocker is a must for anyone into serious horror. You sadly couldn't make a film like this today without making it PC crap. Thank God for the 70's.

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