Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The definitive sci-fi classic!

Michael Rennie stars as Klaatu, a peaceful emissary from another world who comes to Earth to warn us of our impending doom if we do not change our course of life. Of course he is met with hostility and even shot. He has with him a huge robot named Gort who has the power to destroy the Earth is necessary.

Robert Wise directs this film with gusto and he makes Klaatu out to be more human than we are, which is probably very true if any aliens really exist. He and a young boy tour Washington D.C. and Klaatu learns about earth people thru the eyes of a child.

Klaatu is finally shot and killed by the military, but he has given a code word to the young boys mother, played by Patricia Neal and she must repeat it to the robot Gort before he destroys the Earth. "Klaatu Barada Nikto". Gort brings Klaatu back to life temporarily so he can deliver his message of peace to the world.

The supporting cast is top notch and includes Hugh Marlowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, Frances Bavier, Lock Martin and Elmer Davis.

I assume most of the people reading this have seen the film, but the BluRay release is like watching the film for the first time. It is truly stunning in B&W with a very clear and crisp picture and excellent sound. It has never looked better. If you get the chance, pick up the BluRay and enjoy this classic like never before.

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