Friday, December 13, 2013


One of my favorite horror films.

A young woman, Diana "Sugar" Hill seeks revenge after the mob has beaten her fiance to death in the parking lot of his voodoo themed night club. And what revenge she seeks!!

She finds an elderly voodoo queen named Mama Maitresse, and they call forth the king of the damned, Baron Samedi and his voodoo army to kill the mob members one by one.

Marki Bey as Diana is both very believable and very, very sexy. She cold bloodily lures and watches these people die in various bizarre ways such as being fed to starving pigs. Robert Quarry is the leader of the mob that did the killing and he gets his comeuppance in a grisly way as does his smart mouth girlfriend.

The zombies are scary looking and there are several images in this film you'll never forget such as the massage given to one of the men by the brides of Baron Samedi. This is a great blaxploitation/horror film that really delivers the goods.

The supporting cast includes Betty Anne Rees, Zara Culley, Charles Robnson and of course Don Pedro Colley as Baron Samedi who really chews up the scenery. You can tell he really loved the role.

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