Monday, March 3, 2014


Another classic Randolph Scott western.

Scott is John Stewart, a cattleman who is very proud of the land he owns. Richard Boone is a very jealous rancher named Wick Campbell whose young ward/girlfriend Maria seeks protection from Stewart. This enrages Campbell who hires ten outlaws to seize power in the territory.

This is a by the book western, but it is fun never the less. Boone turns in an excellent performance as does Scott, but it is Leo Gordon as Scavo who steals the show.

The rest of the cast includes Skip Homier, Lee Van Cleef, Jocelyn Brando, Dennis Weaver and lovely Donna Martel as Maria. Directed by H. Bruce Humberstone, this stacks well against other Scott westerns and while many reviews say this is simply pedestrian, I would recommend you check it out for yourself.

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