Sunday, April 20, 2014


Fun Japanese sci-fi.

Huge diamond thefts are being reported all over the world and it soon becomes apparent that it's more than the usual run of lawlessness.

It's discovered that a huge space amoeba is eating the diamonds as well as coal for it's carbon content. This is an interesting mixture of gangster film and monster movie. One of the more neglected Toho films of the time, this is a very interesting film with it's cross plotting working very well.

The delectable Akiko Wakabayashi is a gangster moll and every time she is on camera I melt. Robert Dunham is an American detective on the case of the stolen diamonds and has what is his biggest role ever in the many Japanese productions he was involved in, at least up until Godzilla Vs. Megalon.

This is a fun film, and well worth checking out.

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