Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Wow what a trip!!

Santo, who is not only the world's greatest wrestler is also a genius and has developed a machine capable of sending someone back in time. A young woman volunteers to go back in time and finds herself menaced by a vampire. Santo and his friends watch all of this via a TV monitor!

Once they decide the woman is in danger from the Count, Santo and friends bring her back and then try to locate a treasure the vampire has hidden. Santo believes it will help the needy. The hunt brings them into contact with another masked man who is also after the treasure.

Both parties clash and after a few fist fights they decide to have Santo settle it in the ring, which he does. Soon after the evil masked man and his henchmen remove the stake from the vampire and the Count is up and walking around again and soon has a harem of female victims at his disposal.

Santo must then dispatch the vampire and save his lady love once again. Yes, this film is all over the place, but it works and is a fun south of the border horror film. Check it out.

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