Saturday, May 3, 2014


Season six is one of the best ever for this series.

This season also has some of the most graphic horror ever to hit TV. Great stuff here.

The fifteen episodes are:

Let The Punishment Fit The Crime (10/31/94)...A lawyer gets exactly what she deserves in a small town.

Only Skin Deep 10/31/94....A man discovers too late the secret of a masked woman he meets at a party.

Whirlpool 10/31/94...A comic book artist finds things in her life are repeating over and over.

Operation Friendship 11/9/94....A nerd computer programmer finds his love life hampered by an imaginary buddy.

Revenge Is the Nuts 11/16/94.....Blind people in a home turn tales on their sadistic keeper.

The Bribe 11/23/94.....A fire marshal wants to shut own a strip cub where his daughter is working.

The Pit 11/30/94..Two steel cage fighters dupe their wives into battling in the cage.

The Assassin 12/7/94....A perfect homemaker proves to be more than a match for invading secret agents who enter her home.

Staired In Horror 12/14/94....A fugitive hols up in an old mansion with an elderly lady and an upstairs curse.

In The Groove 12/21/94....A shock jock thinks an on air murder will amp his ratings.

Surprise Party 12/28/94....A son murders his father to collect a ruined property an an unexpected legacy.

Doctor of Horror 1/4/95....A mad doctor enlists the aid of two security guards in an experiment to harvest human souls.

Comes The Dawn 1/11/95....Poachers in Alaska stumble onto a bigger problem.....vampires.

99 and 44/100% Pure Horror 1/18/95....Is the designer of Darma Soap's packaging washed up as an artist?

You, Murderer 1/25/95....Plastic surgery makes a criminal look like Humphrey Bogart.

This is great stuff, only I wish they had had more episodes. The "Doctor of Horror" episodes is the most graphic of the season, and it is one you'll not soon forget. recommended for horror fans.

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