Sunday, May 18, 2014


AKA Invasion From Inner Earth.

Filmed in Wisconsin, this regional sci-fi film concerns the end of the world via an alien invasion. Several people in a remote cabin deep in the woods discover that aliens have invaded the earth and are causing plagues to wipe out mankind.

They accidentally contact the invaders with a shortwave radio, but cannot keep communications open. They eventually all meet their demise except two of them, and I am not really sure what happens to them as this has one of those incredible "what the hell just happened?" endings.

Bill Rebane directed and he shows the invasion via quick shots of crowds of people running in terror from what looks like smoke bombs of various colors. The acting is ok, but there really is no action and that is not a good thing with this kind of film.

The ending has the two surviving people, a young woman and one of the scientists in the cabin suddenly change into children an running thru what I can only assume to be a "Garden of Eden", but then again I could be way off base here.

I was first introduced to this movie in the 80's on KCPX on a Sunday afternoon on "Sci-Fi Theater" and I coulddn't believe what I was seeing. This was even promoted on VHS with the starship Enterprise from Star Trek on the cover!!

I have seen much worse films, but I do wish this had been a little bit better.

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