Sunday, June 15, 2014


Godzilla has a rather interesting foe in this well made monster bash.

A new weapon that creates black holes is experimented with as a way to destroy Godzilla. It leaves a temporary rip in the time/space continuum which allows some weird monsters to escape and lay their eggs in the city of Shibuya. These eggs hatch and become mosquito-like monsters.

The monsters prey on humans for their life energy and kill a young Japanese couple in a very disgusting and disturbing way. They soon all grow into one giant monster called Megaguirus that attacks Godzilla for his energy.

A huge battle between monsters and mankind ensues. The special effects are top notch in this effort an the Megaguirus is a pretty cool monster in and of itself. The Blu-ray really stands out in this film and if you are a Godzilla fan I cannot see why you wouldn't have this in your collection.

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