Monday, January 12, 2015


A great adventure film based on the novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Doug McClure stars as Bo Taylor, a man who along with several other people survives an attack by a German U boat on a ship in the ocean during World War 1. These survivors manage to take over the sub for a while, and then thanks to a German by the name of Dietz, they become lost and happen upon the island of Caprona.

Once on the island they find that a fuel line has been broken and is in need of repair. More importantly they run across many dinosaurs and neanderthals who are still surviving on the island. The two sides decide to work together to get off of the island.

Dietz is the main antagonist here, and he proves to be the undoing of everyone. Bo and Lisa, played by Susan Penhalogin are left stranded on the island after Dietz forces the sub to take off. The sub is destroyed by the intense heat in the water from a volcano.

The movie ends where it began, with Taylor throwing a message in a container off of a cliff and setting off to explore other parts of the island with Lisa.

This is good story telling and I have read way too many reviews pointing out the FX flaws of the film. I know these monsters are puppets animated with wires ans other devices, but it is still preferable to the CGI crap of today. I firmly believe that all this high tech garbage has made most movie goers spoiled cry babies who whine at every little thing.

I still love this film for what it is and recommend it to any adventure fan.

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