Monday, January 19, 2015


One of my personal favorites for various reasons.

Everyone reading this knows the plot. Alien invaders looking like gorillas in diving helmets invade the Earth and the last eight people on earth try and survive.

This is legendary in it's ineptitude yet is has a very simple charm to it. When I first saw it I fell in love with it and it has been a staple of my life ever since. I have used a business logo back in the 80's and 90's with a gorilla in a diving helmet and this movie helped me bond a great friendship.

As I watched this film I thought of my friend, the late John Conrad Fredriksen who passed away last July from brain cancer. We used to have a lot of fun discussing this film. Every time I talked with John we would discuss this 50's classic and have so many good laughs. John is still the only person I have ever met that really knew the merits of this film.

I love this film and everything about it. It is by no means the best, but it IS entertaining an well worth spending an hour to watch. I miss John terribly, but when I watch this film I feel as if he is right there watching it with me. LONG LIVE RO-MAN!!

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