Sunday, April 5, 2015


AKA Hercules vs. The Hydra.

Mickey Hargitay is Hercules in this bizarre and very fun film. Hargitay is Hercules who has to fight an evil queen for his true love.

Jayne Mansfield is Queen Deianira as well as the evil Hippolyta. Hippolyta steals the heart of Herc with a special potion that makes him fall in love with her.

To make matter worse she looks just like Deianira. Herc also fights an ape-like monster and there is also a forest of trees that were once men. Hippolyta has changed all of her lovers into these weird trees.

This is a truly bizarre movie that never fails to entertain. I hadn't seen this film in years, and it was a true pleasure to finally see it again. Recommended!!

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