Thursday, June 25, 2015


Last weekend I went to see Jaws in the theater for the first time in 40 years, and to kill time before the showing I watched two water related monster films that I have talked about here before, but re-watched.

SAND SHARKS 2011 (PHASE 4)...This was an interesting film idea about an underwater earthquake that releases a bunch of prehistoric sharks that can swim in the sand.

Upon my second viewing of this film, I found the acting to be quite bad by most of the cast involved. My main attraction to this film is, of course, Brooke Hogan. I find her to be a very beautiful young woman, and she does have the acting skills when given the chance.

The CGI effects aren't too hot either and the movie plods along. Again, as I said above, a good concept, but not well executed. Corin Nemec is ok, but his acting in this is horrendous. Maybe you should see this once, and that is enough.

OCTAMAN 1971 (RETROMEDIA)...Now this is one of my favorites, and you can call me crazy, but I don't care. Rick Baker created the monster and also is inside the costume.

Kerwin Matthews and Pier Angeli are scientists who are in Mexico to investigate what pollution is doing to the environment. They find a monster that resembles an octopus, but walks on two legs. I find the creature costume to be very well made, and a great throwback to 50's monster films.

Director Harry Essex had written scripts for such classics as "Creature From The Black Lagoon" and he simply took the script for that film and revised it a bit. The film looks better than I have ever seen it, and I always find it a pleasure to watch this film.

Put your brain on hold and enjoy this monster film romp for what it is, good fun. The rest of the cast includes Jeff Morrow and David Essex. Recommended!!

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