Saturday, August 1, 2015


I have reviewed this here before when it was available as an MOD, but now the film has been released on Mill Creek.

An international crew of 12 astronauts are sent on an expedition to the moon. Once on the moon the discover various dangers including a "lunar quicksand" that one of the crew sinks into and dies. Then towards the end of the film, the moon race decides to freeze the entire earth.

Two other members disappear and are being used for study by the unseen race on the moon. This is pretty cool stuff in my opinion. Yes, the film is a bit talky at times, but it just entertainment and it fills the bill really well.

The cast is quite a large one for such a low budget undertaking. The cast includes Ken Clark, Michi Kobi, Tom Conway, Anthony Dexter, John Wengraf, Francis X. Bushman and Anna-Lisa.

This is included on a set with five other films and the print quality is excellent. I am glad these have come to DVD in official form, and it is good the Mill Creek has chosen to release these Columbia classics. Recommended!!

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