Saturday, August 15, 2015


This is the first "end of the world from nuclear war films".

Arch Oboler directed this film about the last five people left alive after a nuclear war has wiped out all of mankind.

The five are a pregnant woman whose husband was killed in the explosion, a banker and a bank guard, a young poet and a neo Nazi.

At first all seems to be going well as the first four survivors get together and help each other survive. The elderly banker dies of radiation poisoning but than comes Eric, a neo Nazi type man who completely destroys the unit that has been created.

Eric kills the bank guard, Charles and convinces the woman Roseanne to take new new born baby and leave with him to the big city to find other people and more food.

While in the city Roseanne sees the decayed body of her husband and Eric discovers he has radiation poisoning as well and he runs off. Roseanne and her baby must then fend for themselves. The baby dies and Michael the poet is reunited with Roseanne.

It's a very bleak but well told tale. The acting is good and Oboler handles the material well. I hadn't seen this film for ages, and Mill Creek finally turned it out on DVD along with three other films that I will have here soon.

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