Saturday, September 19, 2015


An interesting Boris Karloff thriller.

Karloff stars as twin brothers in this outing. One is good, the other evil. Gregor is the evil one while Anton is very polite and quiet. In order to marry a woman he desires, Gregor sets up a plan to murder his brother.

The plan works perfectly and Gregor assumes the identity of Anton. Everything is fine for a while, but soon some people start suspecting there is something wrong.

This is a fine melodrama that when I first saw it as a monster crazed kid I hated. But over the years I have come to appreciate it's well written screenplay and Karloff's performances are very goon indeed.

Mill Creek's print from Columbia is beautiful, and this is the first of six Karloff thrillers on a set entitled simply "The Boris Karloff Collection". Highly Recommended!

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