Saturday, October 24, 2015


Very early this morning I watched two films that are very much in the Halloween spirit, but very far apart in subject matter.

NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD 1968 (DIMENSION FILMS)I don't have to say anything about this George Romero film except it is the greatest horror film ever made.

WEREWOLF'S SHADOW 1971 (ANCHOR BAY) Paul Naschy stars in this excellent Spanish/German co-production about a werewolf who has a showdown with a very evil vampire woman. Gorgeous Gaby Fuchs stars as the main love interest and Paty Sheppard is the vampire Wandessa. This is a great entry in the Naschy/Waldemar Daninski werewolf series.

Watching these back to back is a real treat during this time of year. Both are recommended!!

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