Monday, November 2, 2015


Well Halloween has come and gone. I actually managed to watch a few movies I hadn't seen for a while including such gems as ISLAND OF TERROR, CASTLE OF BLOOD, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD , FANGS OF THE LIVING DEAD and a few others.

Now it is time to go thru all the releases so far this year and ran them from 50 to number 1. That is a very time consuming job as there have been hundreds of movies released this year to Blu-ray and DVD including many that haven't ever been available here in the US in digital media form.

So far 2015 has been a good year for releases in all genres and there have been a few standouts of course. My Top 50 listings will begin on Dec. 4th and end on Jan 1st. I look forward to this every year as it is the one thing on this blog that generates the most response.

If you're reading this and want to tell me what some of your favorites are, drop me a line and let me know.

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