Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Interesting and offbeat version of the classic Poe story.

This film doesn't follow the Poe story like the later Roger Corman version, but it has it's share of creepiness. A traveler comes to visit Roderick Usher and soon learns that the entire family is afflicted with insanity.

There is a way to break the curse involving stealing a decapitated head of a man killed by Ushers father for having an affair with his wife. Who guards the head you may ask, well it turns out to be an old, ugly had that just happens to be the former wife who saw the man decapitated and is now insane and very strong.

The scenes involving her are very creepy and well done. Director Ivan Barnett handles the material very well and manages to make a very atmospheric film with very little money. This is a rare film indeed and should be seen by any horror fan.

If you get a chance, check this one out.

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